
I would like to wish all readers of this blog a very happy New Year! May all your hopes come to fruition, and may this year be one of economic recovery and social and cultural regeneration.

I hope also that you may find something in this blog during 2010 that will interest, stimulate or at least irritate you!

My very best wishes to you all,


PS. And by the way, it’s ‘twenty-ten’ rather than ‘two thousand and ten’…

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12 Comments on “Twenty-ten!”

  1. Wendymr Says:

    Does that mean it was (still is here, actually) twenty-oh-nine? 😉

    And a very happy new year to you and yours – and may you find interesting endeavours to occupy you once your presidency ends.

  2. Thank you, Wendy!

    ‘2001 – A Space Odyssey’ made every one go for ‘two-thousand-and-one’, and that’s what we stayed with until last year (this year for you). Now it’s time to put it right!

  3. Vincent Says:

    Ten, will do for me. Or if I’m feeling a bit frivolous, Oh-ten.
    And a happy new year to you and yours, also to all the others.

  4. Aoife Citizen Says:

    Nineteen-hundred was also mistake, inconsistent with Nineteen-o-3 and so on, it may have lead to the arch “Nineteen-hundred and three”. Our system can’t deal with century years and perhaps always leads to a few years of oddness.

  5. Jilly Says:

    Happy New Year to all. But I’m still a bit undecided about the 20 thing…

  6. belfield Says:

    Well, I suppose we could always go with 1431… might be just about right in terms of some of the ‘thinking’ going on ’round here these days 😉

    In any event, every good wish for the future; I enjoy your blog.

  7. iainmacl Says:

    “may this year be one of economic recovery and social and cultural regeneration.”

    Well we’re off to a good start on the latter with the Blasphemy law coming into force today…welcome to the Middle Ages. 😉

    Apart from that sentiment, a Guid New Year to Yin and A’ !

  8. kevin denny Says:

    The pedant in me likes to point out that that really December 2010 is the end of a decade for the same reason that the end of 2000 was the end of the millenium (there being no year 0).
    As for the Middle Ages…well there was some quite good architecture & some so-so music so maybe not at all that bad. But I wouldn’t put too much money on economic recovery, lads.

  9. Hugh Says:

    I’m for “twenty-ten”, if only in hope that ten years hence the name of the year might reflect the clarity of our collective vision on the important issues of the day.
    Happy New Year to one and all!!

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